3.5 ACH pass or fail in Vancouver excerpt is brought to you by my friend Luke Dolan at Capitol Home Energy. If building in Vancity… here is some great advice.
After 3 years of requiring 3.5 ACH in the VBBL, the City of Vancouver "decided that it was time to take off the training wheels with the airtightness course."
What does it mean? It means that if the house doesn't meet the 3.5 ACH at final testing, the final occupancy won't be granted.
It’s always good to remember that the building code (or bylaw) is the minimum requirement by law. 3.5 ACH is the required minimum by law. The requirements will become more stringent over the years, so why not try to go below 3.5 ACH now?
Capital Home Energy can help on your next project!
What's all the fuss about airtightness?
If you’ve been paying attention to the ever-evolving home building requirements throughout BC, you may have noticed that municipalities are asking more and more from their builders to achieve high levels of air tightness.
Most people in the industry view this as a positive development that will expand the knowledge base and improve the quality of work delivered across the industry, but what's all the fuss about?
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